A few weeks ago, I ended up going to the movies with Deniz and the guys. We saw Infinity Wars. Now some of you know this, I’m an addict of superheroes. I have ties, books, wallpaper, key chains, phone notifications, and ringtones. I even have IRON MAN as my phone case.
Yes, I am that guy.
I often use the superhero characters as backdrops for lessons on life for my students. Talk about morality and the connections to Ancient Greek gods and heroes. I do this to make them relevant to today for the students in the hope of making a connection. I don’t think this is a unique approach nor is it unique that I use superheroes – at least I hope not. Although I admit in many ways I am – unique that is – I think Samime would describe it as something else! (I’ll leave that there because I’m sure she has developed other various descriptors of me.)
It should not be surprising that as I sat there watching the movie and feeling envious of Thanos getting the Infinity Gauntlet and then having all that power. Somewhere in there, I realized that in this storyline, that me, Samime, Derya, Deniz and all the rest of us aren’t on the side of Thanos that we are in fact the Avengers. We are the heroes of this story and (Spoiler alert) if we are going down – we go down fighting, saving humanity or in the case of our story – our loved ones. Of course, the heroes lost in the first round against Thanos. He wiped out half of the universe.
Despite this, I can assure you that in the next round the Avengers (us) win. I know this because A) we have already won beating the place that shall not be named. We have Derya back, despite their best efforts. B) We are going to change the world- ALL OF US! Not just the four here, but all of the Heroes in our team.
Already groups all around the world are working to spread the news on this horrible disease. You here and now are reading about this and hopefully, you will share and spread news of Derya’s story or your own story of fighting Autoimmune Encephalitis.
This month, #Dazzle4Rare is spreading the news about rare diseases such as what our Derya is fighting.
Here is your morality lesson for today with your Superhero storyline. Never Surrender! Victory will be yours!
Keep up your fight. Do not despair, victory is coming!
As Stan Lee would say – EXCELSIOR!