I’m reminded of a day so long ago that I can’t recall the date. Certainly it was a different lifetime. My parents were still with me and I hadn’t met Samime, nor my kids. My life wasn’t complete, although with my hubris I was sure it was the best it would ever get.

Just as I’m sure I was wrong, I am sure nearly everyone who reads this has felt the same. Life was good, completely perfect seeming and without problem.
As I recall I was working two jobs, getting up at 4:30 in the morning, hitching a ride with my old girlfriend as we would both go off to work. I’d work till 1130, and walk over to the Shop Rite, my second job. Along the
I’d put in a 1 to 10 shift when I’d get picked up by my parents or girlfriend. I think I was 19, fresh from high school without a car and wondering what the hell I was going to do with my life.
I remember thinking about my options and realizing -suddenly that I had missed all my opportunities to go off to college or even join the military. Neither of those options had really been a part of any talk or plan I’d had with anyone. I remember my father, a vet and a guy who had worked as an army ballistician for over 25 years. I don’t know why I didn’t join the army. Honestly, it had more to do with the unknown and an unwillingness to take a risk that kept me from joining and maneuvered me into going to college.
But I wouldn’t change it for all the tea in China, all the milk duds in the store. I love my family as I’m sure you all love your families. And in that, we all have a bind that holds us together. One which can be understood and appreciated as well as respected.
We never know the journey our life will take, the twists or turns. And we have no idea what our neighbors or their families have or are going through. However, we all endure!
In this holiday season I hope and pray that all of us find the peace, kindness and love that we need.
James Baldini blogs about his daughter’s care and the tragedy that has surrounded the entire family of Derya Demirtas. Derya has had Autoimmune Encephalitis for nearly four years now. The young advancing, brave and stalwart young woman Derya Demirtas, has suffered much throughout that time. As has her family and friends. In someway we hope to see a change within the medical community so that it may better adapt to this disease and prevent future generations of victims.
You can read more from James Baldini @ www.JamesBaldini.com
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